Archive for the ‘Recipes’ Category

The long wait is over and i finally have a workable ice cream machine again.

Nemox Gelato Pro 3000

First run was a batch of wasabi ice cream, for a new dessert i’m working on.

I plan to try being a little more on top of documenting my recipes and posting them here.

With that, Here’s the recipe:

Wasabi Ice Cream:

  • 2 liters milk
  • 665 grams cream
  • 330 grams sugar
  • 300 grams glucose
  • 64 grams trimoline
  • 180 grams milk powder
  • 300 grams whole egg
  • 6 grams stabilizer
  • 50 grams wasabi powder
  • 100 grams hot water

Heat the milk, cream, sugar, glucose, and trimoline, and milk powder.

Bring to a boil and add stabilizer.

Temper this mixture into the eggs.

Hydrate the wasabi powder with the hot water. (don’t breathe in!)

Shear the wasabi paste into the neutral ice cream with a hand blender.

Strain, cool, and freeze in ice cream machine and then reserve in the freezer.

Wasabi Ice Cream

…and off to work.

pumpkin pie consomme

Posted: September 19, 2007 in Concept, Menus, Oakroom, Photos, Recipes

So… I baked off some pumpkin pies.

Threw four in a stock pot, filled it with water…

Pumpkin Pie Consomme - Beginning

added a raft (with whole spices), and slow simmered it for about an hour and a half.

I strained it 3 or 4 times before i left last night, and got it down to a broth consistancy.

Needs to be filtered to get the clarity i want… but i’ll be damned if it tastes like pumpkin pie!

think i may need to add a little sugar to it to bring back up the sweetness a bit, and maybe let some whole nutmeg, cinnamon, clove and allspice macerate in the final filtering to boost the spiciness.


off to work now, i suppose.

Menu Testing.

Posted: March 4, 2007 in Menus, Oakroom, Recipes

Pretty much all the menu items are together.

I’m gonna test an alternate recipe for the carrot cake, the recipe i used seems to be a little too dry and dense.

Gonna go with an old stand by recipe I’ve used and changed at least half a dozen times, just going to sub carrot puree in place of the fruit puree I’ve used previously… the liquid and fat content in the recipe is almost 60% of the total mass, and it stays fresh and moist for almost 2 weeks if need be.

Did a test plate up of the Pineapple Carpaccio dish with Duane tonight.

Need some more fat in the plate, we’re thinking some white chocolate mousse or something.

The ice cream tastes incredible. I made a note to self that when using the Vita Mix entirely full… i need to cover it with a towel and hold the thing down while blending… i managed to shoot ice cream on the ceiling, and found pieces of cilantro everywhere! The spice comes through nicely and it held a nice green color after freezing. Looks like guacamole to be perfectly honest.

I had two of Sam Mason’s ice cream recipe’s i wanted to scale out the ingredients to a percentage of total mass, to see if i could come up with a good solid recipe for an ice cream base to work from.

This is what i came up with:

  • 1 Qt Milk
  • 300ml Cream
  • 115 g Sugar
  • 150g Glucose
  • 32g Trimoline
  • 90g Milk Powder
  • 5g Stabilizer
  • 150g Whole Egg

Pretty much adjust the flavoring accordingly and to taste. I ended up using 2 large bunches of cilantro and the seeds from 2 dried ancho chiles, and half the shell of one. It wasn’t hot enough, so i fortified it with a tiny bit of cayenne powder.

The Trimoline isn’t in yet, so i had to mix up a makeshift batch of invert sugar. Simple syrup of 1000ml of water and 1000g of sugar , with 1g of citric acid and boiled for 20 minutes. Simple enough, and it’ll get the job done until the real stuff comes in.

The coconut caramel was originally planned to be a sauce, but when i started sketching plate up ideas, i wanted to do a stacked vertical presentation. I talked a bit with Kollker and Megan about it, I wanted it in a cube -a bit inspired by Brach’s caramel candies- but didn’t want it to be real tough and chewy. Gelatin and agar were discussed; though i was a bit leery of how the gelatin would react with the caramel, wondering how the sugar crystallization would affect the end product.

I was researching online about agar and caramel, found a little Asian lady with a recipe for caramel jellies… basically trying to see if i could find any precedent on how it would react with agar or gelatin as a thickener. Todd walked in and asked what i was up to… I explained, and how dense i wanted it (i made the comparison to the cranberry gelee we use that Kollker told me to check out) and he gave me a rough eyeballed ratio of both gelatin and agar to work with.

The end product is beautiful.

Deep brown caramel… It’s solid – mildly tacky, but melts in your mouth perfectly and then more or less turns into a thick caramel sauce.

Note to self: Need to get some Silica gel to keep the dry stuff dry.

Raisin paper is starting to become pliable.

The Blood orange tuile will have the same problems.